102 West Allen Street, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 | 717-790-9994
Health Tips
To improve your fitness quickly and lose weight, try interval training. Set the treadmill, bike, elliptical or rowing machine to an interval program, where your speed and workload vary from minute to minute from high intensity to lower intensity. Not only will your workout be less monotonous, you can also train for a shorter time and achieve greater results.
When you stretch, ease your body into position until you feel the stretch and hold for 30 seconds. Breath deeply to help your body move oxygen rich blood into your muscles. Don't bounce or force yourself into painful positions.
Learn to do stretching exercises when you wake up. It boosts circulation and digestion and eases back pain. Yoga is a great option but even a very basic stretching routine will be beneficial.
Energize your brain.
Neurobics for your brain activate the brain's biochemical pathways that can help strengthen or preserve brain circuits. For example, brush your teeth with your "other" hand or take a new route to work. This type of activity may lower rates of Alzheimer's disease.
Back to school time can be stressful enough, so you don't want to add an unexpected illness on top of it. Here are some health tips to have a healthy start to your school year.
Update your vaccinations: make sure everyone in the family is up to date to prevent illnesses as well as reducing the chance of spreading illness in your community.
Go to Bed: sleep is an integral part of health. Make sure your child is getting 7-8 hours a night, even more for younger children.
Wash Your Hands: washing hands is the number one defense against illness so teach your children the proper hand washing technique.
Provide healthy food and snacks: sugary foods can lead to hyperactivity, weight problems and energy crashes. Proper nutrition helps keep everyone focused and gives your child the energy to last through the school day.
Notify School of Allergies: make sure to provide any prescribed treatment to the school along with any written instructions or doctor's note that the school may require.
Many common foods have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties that soothe allergy symptoms.
Check out these everyday foods...
Apples: They contain flavonoids that reduce inflammation.
Red grapes: Antioxidants and resveratrol which both fight inflammation.
Citrus fruits: Vitamin C does wonders for cold and allergy symptoms.
Collard greens: Rich in carotenoids which reduce allergic reactions.
Looking for natural ways to fend off seasonal allergies? Try these tips"
Keep allergens out! Keep windows closed or certain rooms pet free to limit your exposure.
Regular dusting and vacuuming helps, too.
Local sweets. Some studies show pure, raw, local honey may help build natural anti-bodies to pollen.
Try a neti pot. This ancient Indian tradition provides a natural method of nasal cleaning.
Fitting Physical Activity Into Your Day
A faster heartbeat and increased breathing are what define moderate-level activity. Experts say to do 2 1/2 hours of moderate activity a week. Moderate activity means things like brisk walking, brisk cycling, or shooting baskets. But any activities that raise your heart rate and make you breathe harder-including daily chores-can be included.
Here's some good news: It doesn't have to be a certain amount each day. It's fine to do blocks of 10 minutes or more throughout your day and week. So go push the lawn mower, walk the dog, dance with your kids, use the stairs instead of the elevator, get coffee on a different floor at work. Just get moving!